Enhancing lives for a better tomorrow
50+ Years of Experience | A Variety of Therapies Available | Locally and Family Owned
A Variety of Therapies Available
50+ Years of Experience
Locally and Family Owned
An injury can take away your independence in the blink of an eye. If you're looking to get it back again, turn to Enhanced Therapy Services.
With over 50 years of experience, our professional occupational therapists understand how limiting a serious injury or condition can be and the best way for you to overcome it.
Our locally and family owned clinic will work with your insurance company and handle all of the paperwork for your convenience!
Lymphedema is a build-up of protein-rich fluid, typically in the arms or legs, that leads to inflammation and swelling. Lymphedema is typically the result of surgery, trauma, cancer, venous insufficiency, and can be hereditary.
A Certified Lymphedema Therapist has undergone over 135 hours of training specific to lymphedema, focused on complete decongestive therapy, which includes manual lymph draining, multi-layer compression bandaging and garment fitting for upper extremities, lower extremities and head/neck, as well as providing appropriate exercises and skin care. CLT's are trained to treat patients over the lifespan, from children to adults, and empower patients with the tools they need to manage their lymphedema on their own after discharge from services.
Occupational Therapy Designed to Fit Your Needs
Call to schedule an appointment.
(256) 486-9478
"My doctor recommended this service for me and she was so right!!! They have taken all precautions to ensure their patients' safety and are very knowledgeable with the latest equipment!! I wasn’t really thrilled about going at first, but their sweet, energetic dispositions changed my mood quickly!! Blessings!"
- Cathy Watts via Facebook
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